Thanks to Jimmy Fallon, safety is sexy. Not only is it sexy, its necessary. Abroad travels can be easy, as long as you know how to get where you're going in one piece. Airports, hotels, and crowded tourist areas can be overwhelming and are the perfect places for crimes to happen. You don't want to come back from your trip with a typical tourist robbery story. Staying safe in a foreign country can affect the overall outcome in your trip, in a good or bad way. But let's keep it good...
USA Today suggest their best tips on how to keep your trip as safe and happy as possible. These ten tips cover transportation safety, how to keep your money and valuables safe, and how to check your safety surroundings in your hotel/ hostel.
Make sure to always let someone know where you are/ where you're going. Leave an itinerary with family or friends just in case they loose track of you, especially if you're traveling alone. Always carry a print version of your passport on you, but never the real thing; keep your passport in a secure locked safe that only you know the password to. Be aware of your surroundings and be on the look out for potentially dangerous situations.
And remember, safety is sexy. Stay sexy my friends.